Play with Semaphore

Semaphore represents a generalized mutex, you can think of it as a physical semaphore that manages traffic


export interface Semaphore {
   * Acquire a permit, blocking if not all are vailable
  readonly acquire: T.Effect<T.NoEnv, never, void>;
   * Release a permit
  readonly release: T.Effect<T.NoEnv, never, void>;
   * Get the number of available permits
  readonly available: T.Effect<T.NoEnv, never, number>;

   * Acquire multiple permits blocking if not all are available
   * @param n
  acquireN(n: number): T.Effect<T.NoEnv, never, void>;
   * Release mutliple permits
   * @param n
  releaseN(n: number): T.Effect<T.NoEnv, never, void>;
   * Bracket the given io with acquireN/releaseN calls
   * @param n
   * @param io
  withPermitsN<R, E, A>(n: number, io: T.Effect<R, E, A>): T.Effect<R, E, A>;
   * withPermitN(1, _)
   * @param n
  withPermit<R, E, A>(n: T.Effect<R, E, A>): T.Effect<R, E, A>;

 * Allocate a semaphore.
 * @param n the number of permits
 * This must be non-negative
export function makeSemaphore(n: number): T.Effect<T.NoEnv, never, Semaphore> {
  return T.applySecond(
    sanityCheck(n), as State), makeSemaphoreImpl)


import { effect as T, semaphore as S, exit as E } from "@matechs/effect";
import { Do } from "fp-ts-contrib/lib/Do";
import * as A from "fp-ts/lib/Array";

const program = Do(T.effect)
  .bind("sem", S.makeSemaphore(10)) // create a semaphore with 10 permits
  .bindL("res", ({ sem }) =>
    // this uses parallel instances and concurrency is limited at 10
    A.array.traverse(T.parEffect)(A.range(1, 10000), n =>
      sem.withPermit(T.pure(n + 1)) // use a permit to run op
  .return(s => s.res);
    arr => {
      console.log(arr.length); // prints 10000
    console.error, // raised
    console.error, // abort
    () => {

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